Saturday, October 26, 2013


A long way of journey
Takes me back to the yonder village
Where the hills are blue
And the fields are green
And the brooks are full

The morning wakes me up
Every day with hope
I open my eyes to see
The infinite sky above
Over the rolling mountains

The soft rays of the baby sun
Touch me with their pink fingers
Which do art work high above
with an amber stroke in the horizon
Till dew drops get vanished

As a naughty boy who peeps
Over the garden wall with ease
The sun stretches his golden rays
To peep me through the window bars
But full of love and care

A lazy breeze that blows
Who not knows where to go
Hums his songs of love
Hugs me with his scores of hands
Of love, as if I 'm  his own

The garden roses wish me morn
With their fragrance heavenly
Fresh and fair with dew drop sheen
The nature lady's smile  exotic
On their faces I could see


  1. The garden roses wish me morn
    With their fragrance heavenly
    Fresh and fair with dew drop sheen
    The nature lady's smile exotic

